In the morning of 9 July, 2015, a second batch of home titles was given to families from the Emiliano Perneta neighborhood, formerly known as Vila União, in the town of Pinhais. The appointed residents took part in a land regularization process conducted by the town administration in partnership with Terra Nova and other public and private bodies. Many of the locals who were about to become homeowners had been waiting for over a decade for this moment.
Residents who took part in the land regularization process in Pinhais.
The ceremony was held at the Nova União Residents’ Association, with the presence of town hall officials, Terra Nova personnel and residents. The occasion was celebrated by all, especially by the 41 persons taking the first step towards property regularization. “I can only be grateful for everything. This victory belongs to all those who were part of this long-standing struggle. A great dream has come true today”, said Vilma Teodoro Camilo, chair of the residents’ association.
Daniel Albuquerque, Terra Nova’s new projects director, recalled the long journey since the process began and stressed the importance of partnerships. “When we started out here in May 2003, we had no clue of the challenges that we would face. I must tell you that we’ve grown together with you along these twelve years. We realize now how important it is to have a town administration that is engaged and strives to make things happen”, said Albuquerque.
The speech of Luizão Goularte, Mayor of Pinhais, also took on a celebratory note. He underscored the union of forces to bring about the initiative. “For several years I’ve tracked the status of the irregular areas in Pinhais, and there was always talks of regularization, but it would never come true, for it required a lot of things. First, it required the willingness of the administration, then a well-organized residents’ association and a skillful set of professionals. Fortunately, we’ve got all that and then joined forces with Terra Nova, the notary’s office and other institutions, and the willpower of each of you has made all this possible”, said the mayor.