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Vila Governador | Pinhais | PR

Previously, the location:

“The location was used as the pottery of my family. Years later, the enterprise was transferred to another land, as we had plans to allot the space into parcels or to rent it as a parking lot for collective buses. At the time, my brother was the owner of a dairy, and until we decided on the question of the space, we used the place for plantation of grass with the objective of feeding the milk cattle. Then, the occupation happened. We asked for ownership reintegration, but, as it was a place occupied by many families, it was not possible to fulfill the mandate.” Domingos Sprada, then legal owner of the area where today the Vila Governador is located.

The occupation:

In 1990, approximately 200 families started the occupation of the place today known as Vila Governador. Difficulties faced by farmers and the confiscation of savings were some of the factors that motivated the occupation. According to the president of the residents’ association, the repossession actions could not be fulfilled due to the number of people who inhabited the place. When the association made a research to investigate what the community would most like to have, the subject that was more voted was the access to the title of ownership of the lots. After a visit to city hall, the agency commented on Terra Nova and the possibility of regulating Vila Governador.

The Land Regularization:

In 2001, Terra Nova, in partnership with the residents’ association, explained about the work and which would be the steps for the regularization of the community. After the signature of the Court Settlement between the parties (owners and occupants), granting the required legal endorsement, Terra Nova started the works for the Agrarian Regularization. In 2010, the city hall of Pinhais published Decree No. 1260/2010, which approved the Project of Agrarian Regularization of Vila Governador, which allowed proceeding with the steps for the ownership of those who had already concluded the payment of the indemnity to the legal owner of the area, making it possible for them to become the legitimate owners of the land where they resided.

Technical data

Total area: 58.220,55 m²

Regulable area: 46.472,69 m²

Total number of lots: 139

Total number of residents: 556

Date of occupation: 1990

Date of the Approval of the Court Settlement: May 30, 2003

Name of the Residents’ Association: Association of Residents of Vila Governador de Pinhais

Public Infrastructure and Equipment:

Water Distribution Network

Electric Energy Network

Sewage Collection Network

Drainage Network (Pluvial Water Collection)

Paved streets

Streets with zip code


Public Transport (Bus Line)

School - Elementary Education

Social Assistance Unit (CRAS)

Community Center

Completo Parcial


“When I assumed the administration of the City, I was interested in giving continuity to what had been started. With the creation of the Executive Commission of Urban Regularization, in 2006, the City established a few basic tasks for the course of the process. It is a satisfaction to see the families having the possibility to document the area that was already occupied for so long. Hardly an owner is able to talk individually with 500 people and to make right the regularization of their lots with each one. Terra Nova is a company with technicians who, for me, was good news and assisted not only here, but in other places of the Country.” Luiz Goularte Alves, mayor of the City of Pinhais in the 2009-2012 and 2013-2016 administration.

“I do not know any company in Brazil, and even in other places of the world that does the same work that Terra Nova does. For me, this company was a very good surprise, because it settled the question of irregular occupation in private areas.” Domingos Sprada,  then legal owner of the area where today Vila Governador is located.

“We have suffered a lot of discrimination from the neighboring communities. Everything wrong that happened they thought it was our fault. We were called `Fool Village’, because there was a lot of adobe and the vehicles were always getting jammed. Now, we are living in what it is ours. The neighborhood became valued and, with certainty, will get even more valued.” Antonio Florêncio Brandão, resident of Vila Governador since the 90’s and president of the residents‘ association.